
Doing recon is like panning for possibilities. As long as you stay within scope then then pan away for possibilities. In this area I mark down the methodology I follow to do recon and it is bound to change over time as I learn more.

Step 1: APEX and Subdomains

There are multiple ways we can grab potential subdomains and if time permits then go ahead and do all of them. Especially if you are coming back future me and still in the process of working this all out.

The ways to acquire subdomains are.

Certification Transparency (Passive)

Use CRT.SH to grab alpha and subdomains

Fingerprinting (Passive)

Use Wappalyzer or Builtwith

Fuzzing (Active)

Use FFUF , Caido, or Burp

Step 2: Check file types (Active)


Use FFUF, Caido, or Burp

Step 3: Check for Directories (active)

use FFUF , Caido, or Burp

Step 4: Crawl (active)

use ReconSpider