Learning Topics

  1. SQL Injection
  2. SonarQube

SQL Injection

MySQL commands

    • Allows you to add new records to a DB
    • INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (column1_value, column2_value, column3_value, ...);
    • INSERT INTO table_name(column2, column3, ...) VALUES (column2_value, column3_value, ...);
    • Multiple docs example
      • INSERT INTO logins(username, password) VALUES ('john', 'john123!'), ('tom', 'tom123!');
    • Changes the name of any table and any of its fields or to delete or add a new column to an existing table
      • Example adding a new column to a table
        • ALTER TABLE logins ADD newColumn INT;
      • Example rename column
        • ALTER TABLE logins RENAME COLUMN newColumn TO newerColumn;
      • Example change a columns datatype
        • ALTER TABLE logins MODIFY newerColumn DATE;
      • Example drop a column
        • ALTER TABLE logins DROP newerColumn;
    • can be used to update specific records within a table, based on certain conditions.
    • Example of changing a password
      • UPDATE logins SET password = 'change_password' WHERE id > 1;