Recon on Hackinghub

  • Look into google dorking hackinghub didn’t cover this very well. Maybe the other modules cover it but I am going to add it to the Recon dir.
  • Certificate transparency -
curl -s\?cn\=%.$1\&output=json | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | sort -u

This script should be saved as a bash command that would work like crtsh and get a list of domains tied to cert. once piped to a .txt we can use the following to grab all the domains

cat file.txt | rev | cut -d *.* -f 1,2 | rev | sort -u > newfile.txt

Spent to much of my learning time getting these notes set up. Will have to re watch the video’s tomorrow to go over the information.